iPhone 15 Series Sets New Battery Lifespan Standards

Apple's iPhone 15 series boasts a significantly improved battery lifespan, capable of retaining 80% capacity after 1,000 cycles, doubling previous expectations and aligning with new EU durability standards.

 iPhone 15 Series Sets New Battery Lifespan Standards
iPhone 15
24-03-2024 07:24


Apple has announced that the battery lifespan of its iPhone 15 series is expected to be significantly longer than previously estimated. The company's latest tests reveal that these new models can retain up to 80% of their original charging capacity after 1,000 charging cycles, a notable improvement from the earlier estimate of maintaining the same capacity after just 500 cycles. This update comes as Apple has conducted extensive testing across all iPhone 15 variants under various conditions, and it aligns with the upcoming EU regulations that will assess and grade batteries based on their durability, among other factors. These regulations will require devices to maintain at least 80% of their original charge after 800 cycles, classifying them with grades from A to G. It's important to note that a battery's lifespan refers to its ability to hold a charge over time, not the duration of the charge itself, as batteries naturally degrade and lose capacity at different rates. 

